Re: White on black
I’m afraid that some of you are writing about conditions that no longer exist and are quoting outdated sources, especially in regard to printing. What was described above as “ink bleed” has a proper …0 -
Re: White on black
I feel like a cop saying “move on, nothing to see here, folks.” Please note that I said “thousands of existing fonts,” not all of them. It’s been estimated that that there are about a quarter million…1 -
Re: White on black
My sarcasm (a style of humor to some) was not without an underlying truth: this is not an issue requiring a technological solution, but rather a visual condition requiring appropriate aesthetic choic…0 -
Re: White on black
It’s all quite simple, really. Look through your various offerings and identify some types you think might work well in dark mode, then test them. When you find one, give it a snappy new name and des…0 -
Re: Usefulness of Emoji in a fun example
Here is a 2016 study of cross-cultural—and cross-platform—dissonance in the interpretation of emoji by members of GroupLens, a research group of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at …3